Single Or Multiple Libraries can be managed in your campus with IFW ERP. The Students And Staff can see the available list of Books from their own login too.
The books can be barcoded ensuring speedy issues and returns.. Along with the books, you can also manage magazines, journals, periodicals, newspapers, and their subscriptions, etc.

What will you get
Module Highlights
- All library transactions with Staff and Students can be managed alongwith Library fine.
- Easy to maintain date-wise record of received newspapers and other subscriptions.
- Multiple Stock verification of all Books from time to time.
- SMS / Emails / Whatsapp for reminding book return dates.
- OPAC and dynamic search options.
- Issued books status can be seen by all members with return dates.
- Barcode / Spine Tag / Accession label printing.
Frequently asked questions
How It's Helpful
- Maintains separate records of Library and Book Banks as per norms.
- Multiple Libraries can be maintained as per the need.
- Single point printing for all Labels, Spine Tags, Library Cards as per need.
- Different rules for the number of books and issue days can be managed for types of members.
- Multi faceted reports for Transactions, stock, Members etc.
USPs of Library Module in IFW ERP
- Student’s projects too can be kept as a Library item.
- Online book reservation facility for members
- Integrated with SMS / Emails / WhatsApp for need based / auto messages.