India's Best School Management Software
What is School Management ERP Software?
School ERP Software is a powerful tool that helps manage your School data.
Our ERP system of the School Management System helps you manage students’, collages, and teachers’ data in one centralized system. ERP Enables you to manage their daily operations in one place like Attendance Management System for Schools.
What is School ERP?
Why Does School Need an ERP System?
IFW ERP - Best School ERP Management System
Why Use IFW School ERP Software?
Several schools in India use School Fee Management Software. Our online School ERP to manage important processes like Fees, Exam Results, Student and Employee Attendance, and others without problem. IFW ERP Dx is known for its user-friendly interface which is easy to learn and implement for every user. Also, the system provides “EduApp” that improves communication among Parents, Staff, and Students with real-time updates from the school.
It operates with various operating systems, including Windows and MAC, and web browsers, such as Safari, Chrome, Opera, and Firefox. IFW ERP, School ERP Software provides a flexible and easy-to-use tool for organizing and managing schools.
School State Boards in India:
- MSBSHSE - The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
- PSEB - Punjab School Education Board.
- TNBSE - Tamil Nadu Board of Secondary Education.
- UPMSP - Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad or BHSIEUP - Board of High School and Intermediate Education Uttar Pradesh.
- TSBSE - Telangana State Board of Secondary Education.
- WBBSE - West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
- WBCHSE - West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education.
- WBBPE - West Bengal Board of Primary Education.
- UBSE - Uttarakhand Board of School Education
- KBPE - (Kerala Board of Public Examination).
- KSEEB - Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board.
- JAC - Jharkhand Academic Council.
- JKBOSE - Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education.
- HBSE - Haryana Board of School Education.
- GSEB - Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board.
- GBSHSE - Goa Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education.
- CGBSE - Chhattisgarh Board of Secondary Education.
- BSEB - Bihar School Examination Board.
- AHSEC - Assam Higher Secondary Education Council
- AP Board - Andhra Pradesh Education Board
- BSEAP - Board of Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh.
- HPBOSE - Himachal Pradesh Board Of School Education